Apostle Matthew Tillery was called to ministry in June 2001. In 2002, Apostle Tillery was given a mandate by God to train, equip and empower leaders that they might go forth to disciple others. In acceptance of this mandate, Apostle Tillery along with his wife, Co-Pastor Dawn Tillery, founded Tri-Faith Ministries in September 2002. Operating under an apostolic mantle, Apostle Tillery challenges the people of God to move from religion to relationship and from the traditions of men to seeing the manifested power of God in everyday living. Apostle Tillery has also authored four thought-provoking books, "Change The Way You Think", "When Heaven Touches Earth", "Kingdom Alignment" and his latest book "The Gates of Hell Shall NOT Prevail, You Win!", in which men and women of God are encouraged to "come out of the box" and manifest their son-ship in the earth realm. He is submitted under the Apostolic Covering of Apostle Steven W. Banks.